
Become a Prohaska Consultant

We’ve built the biggest and most diverse pool of consultants in the industry.

3 Ways We Can Help You/Work Together, from Matt Prohaska

We call it our bench.  It's comprised of experts in every area of digital media and marketing. Our roster of clients and unique suite of services attract the best talent in the business, and members of our bench work continuously on projects that are changing the face of digital marketing and media.

Interested in working with the company that literally invented the fractional team model in our industry? Step one is to complete a consultant profile—once you are in the system, you’ll be alerted to new projects that match your expertise.

The benefits of Prohaska Consultants

We call it real-time talent. Some people even call it programmatic talent. It's the idea of matching the best and most appropriate people to the consulting engagements where they can best solve challenges and problems.

Right person. Right job. Right time.

It makes sense, right?

Today, we have more than 100 consultants actively working around the world, plus more than 400 additional people available on the deepest and most talented bench in existence: Consultants who are accessible and available to jump into the game, when we call on them.

Would you like to become a consultant?
