Prohaska Careers

A culture where diversity of experience, identity, and thought can thrive. It’s just good business.

Current Opportunities

Remote, USA
We're looking for a senior-level executive to scale our current global practice helping Brands, Agencies, and Buyside Tech.
Remote, USA
We're looking for Sales Consultants with great relationships into brands and agencies across the USA.
Remote, USA
Seeking an established and well-connected Publisher Development pro to work as part of our Magnify team in the USA.
Remote, UK & Europe
We're seeking a well-established pro to join our Magnify division and provide biz dev for tech vendors in Europe.
Remote, UK & Europe
We're seeking an experienced leader to continue expanding our EMEA Client Strategy & Business Dev. team.

Don’t see a role that's interesting?

Drop us a note and tell us what you’re great at.


Drop us a note here. Give us a little context, or simply ask a question. We'll aim to connect you with someone that can help on either end of the hiring process.

You may be surprised at the number of industry leaders who are former team members here at Prohaska Consulting. 

Again, our aim is to find the best fit for you.

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